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As a new visitor to Jacmus, you should read over the entire disclaimer before participating at this website. We suggest making a coffee first. By continuing to peruse this website you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this disclaimer.
Legal Disclaimer For Jacmus
User, you and your refers to online visitors and registered users who may be an individual or representative of an organization who browse and who may have the opportunity to register as a contributor.
Project manager refers to iBlogyou ABN 14 632 643 578.
Website, site and Jacmus refer to
Contributor, registered users and writers refer to users invited to register for the purpose of contributing to the conversation at Jacmus.
Content Validity
Jacmus like everything in the Universe evolves.
The views and information expressed in this multi-user blog may not always be valid or accurate. Like everything in our Universe, views and information change over time, so in two weeks or in two thousand years, the information and views might change.
This includes but is not exclusive to blog content, blog comments, sources, information and links. Where possible information will be updated or covered in a new entry.
If you come across information that requires updating, we encourage you to let us know through one of the methods on our contact page.
Content Accuracy
Everyone makes mistakes. Not one person is perfect. Even mythical gods made errors in the fables and since we’re not gods you may find inaccurate or incomplete information on this site.
If you see an error whether it be a typo, grammatical or factual misrepresentation or omission you should bring this to our attention too.
In the case of factual misrepresentations, errors or omissions, please provide references to factual information that support your claims.
Many of the articles on this site will be opinions stated by the article’s author. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you’d like to question, debate or express your own opinion we recommend that you join in the conversation by commenting under the post.
External Links
Throughout Jacmus you will find links to many other web sites.
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For example, Jacmus has a policy not to link to any websites offering illegal services. So, if you find such a link, please contact us immediately so that the link can be removed or fixed.
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Anyone reading the articles or pages at Jacmus will not hold Jacmus, iBlogyou (the project manager) or its contributors libel for what is said or displayed at Jacmus. The content at Jacmus is the opinion of the writer and is intended to educate and provide a differing viewpoint on topics that differ to other groups and individuals.
The content is not intended to “malign any particular religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual,” or anyone, thing or mythical deity. Which deity depends on your own personal beliefs and since most contributors to this site are unlikely to believe in a god or gods, false deities shouldn’t be a problem.
Personal Views
Jacmus and its writers are responsible for the content and the opinions expressed at this domain.
Any association with an employer, volunteer group, membership organization, church, or other agencies which a Writer, Editor or Administrator might be seen to represent is purely coincidental.
Any articles which may reference or appear to reference these organizations or agencies do not express their opinions, beliefs or practices, only that of the writer.
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Jacmus and its contributors are not responsible, nor will be held liable, for anything anyone says at Jacmus or in the blog comments, nor the laws or religious beliefs and doctrine, which the commentators may break in any State, Country, Kingdom or Province through their comments’ content, implication, and intent.
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Contributors of articles on Jacmus, either as a guest or permanent writer or editor are the opinions of the Contributor. These opinions may not necessarily reflect the opinion of Jacmus, its owners or other writers.
Do No Harm
The intention of Jacmus and its contributors is to do no harm. It is not the intent of Jacmus and its contributors to injure others, defame, or libel. Any negative statements on Jacmus about a person or organisation can be found in the public domain.
Jacmus contains opinions and advice of multiple contributors. If you act upon any of these opinions or advice then it is your decision to do so and you do so knowing that that the opinions and advice is not professional counsel.
Content published on Jacmus is not to be taken as fact nor absolute, just like religious doctrine and text. If you use the advice, tips, techniques, and recommendations provided at Jacmus and are injured, then that is your choice, to do so and Jacmus, its owners and contributors are not to be held responsible.
Disclosure of Paid-to-Blog
The content at Jacmus is generated to assist with the payment of site establishment, ongoing expenses including maintenance and design, and to reward article content provided by consistent and quality contributors through a democratic profit share program.
Jacmus is project managed by iBlogyou.
Language Issues
Language can be tricky, especially translations or interpretation of content.
Jacmus and its contributors are not responsible for translation or interpretation of content especially if you use 3rd party programs, or browser plugins and other web tools to translate our pages into a different language.
Punctuation such as the placement of a comma can change the intent of a statement. Jacmus and its contributors are not responsible for misinterpretations of content based on language and punctuation.
Users of Jacmus will not hold the writers or other contributors to this domain liable for bad grammar and punctuation which may cause you to misconstrue the intent or opinion of articles.
Contributors to Jacmus use English in a variety of styles and dialects. So, you may read articles in Australian English, American English, Canadian English, New Zealand English, UK English, International English and any other form of variation.
Original content, pictures, video’s, downloads and other graphics that belong to Jacmus are the property of Jacmus and iBlogyou, copyrighted from 2012 and onwards.
Where a writer is a participant of our profit share program, articles, unique artwork including photography and other images remain the property of Jacmus and can not be published elsewhere on the Internet either in whole or in part.
By participating in our profit share program or our internship, you agree that any profit shared by its Contributors, is a consideration for your contribution and that you will not reproduce the article in any format, offline or online.
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Jacmus and its Contributors are not responsible for defamatory statements bound to government, religious, or other laws from the reader’s country of origin. It is the responsibility of the reader to be aware of these laws and to terminate, leave or block this website.
Complaint Process
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Please note, we reserve the right to publish your complaint in an article or other media format.
Limits on Damages
It is recommended that any financial claims that are taken against Jacmus or its contributors for articles published at this domain should not exceed the amount of $10.55 Australian.
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If you send us a message it may be published and could be used on this website as part of an article, news piece or to help with frequently asked questions.
How to Contact Jacmus
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Thanks for taking the time to read our disclaimer! Grab a beverage and enjoy reading our multi-author blog.