Jacmus is a collaborative blog. Forged on the idea of a free space where people can question life and invite meaningful discussion. Over the years, this position hasn’t changed. It remains a rostrum for voices that want to be heard.
Jacmus is managed by iBlogyou in Australia.
Jacmus version 3.0
With this revamped version in 2019, it’s the first time we have completely removed the old WordPress installation and database to start afresh.
Something that you should know about this blog is that it generates an income. We raise revenue through advertising streams and sponsorship.
What makes Jacmus the voice for reason and philosophy? Nothing really. The people behind Jacmus don’t have any special credentials for discussing life, except for being curious human beings with a thirst for understanding human existence and all things associated.
Individually, the authors behind each article come from various backgrounds: the Arts, Science, Retail, Business, Fitness, Environment and so on. They also have an eclectic mix of social and religious associations, with each writer free to pursue their personal opinions.
So, why Jacmus?
Jacmus was a spontaneous text-based role-play game in yahoo chat that spawned around the turn of the century. It evolved into a number of different games including Jacmus Prime. It also represented a multi-cultural place where people could enter into and learn from out of character discussions. It was a place that we were apart of and aspired to keep going.
The name Jacmus also has its origins in Latin and Hebrew. A close translation of the name in English is Jack.
What you can discover at Jacmus
- Questions about the meaning of life, the universe and the unknown
- Answers that may not always make sense but have a stab at creating some sort of logical argument by using what we know to be real
- Arguments against fallacy
- Deep and meaningful discussions
- Personal journeys into the psyche and other extreme realms
- Bridges and the tearing down of walls that keep us disconnected as a people
- Essays
- Reviews
- Biographies
- Absurd humour
- Recantations and retractions when a viewpoint no longer seems valid.