Vaccination Misinformation: Harmful Propaganda
Immeasurable suffering has resulted from vaccination misinformation through harmful propaganda campaigns Vulnerable people in our society such as older…

Should Australia Day Celebrations Stay On 26 January?
Australia Day, January 26, 2013. In Queensland it’s raining and blowing a gale; we’re experiencing a big wet caused by … continue reading.

If we have a Universal Health Care System, Do We Need Private Health?
We live in a capitalist’s world. It’s where corporations, small and large, compete for everyone’s money while trying to scrimp … continue reading.

Is Scripture Proof That God Exists?
When asked to provide evidence that a god exists, religious people turn to their bible or religious books for answers. … continue reading.

Never stop questioning
Albert Einstein once advised his audience to remain curious. “The most important thing is not to stop questioning,” he said. … continue reading.

Abbott’s Language Gaffes Likened to Sarah Palin
Tony Abbott’s language gaffes are a national disgrace. The Australian media is up in arms about another of Tony Abbott’s … continue reading.

What’s So Wrong With The Tooth Fairy?
My son lost his third tooth last night. He is six years old. When he went to bed, he put … continue reading.

The Aftermath of the Great Flood: Travel By Volcanic Eruption?
The Great Flood and Noah’s ark is a tale believed by millions. God instructs Noah to build a ship to … continue reading.

Bill Hicks: The Dark Poet
Bill Hicks was unknown to me prior to my arrival in Australia at 19 years of age. I had lived … continue reading.

What Skeptics Really Believe (and why Mike Adams is a depraved conveyor of disinformation )
This article is a review of Mike Adams 2010 article on skeptics. Mike Adams looks like a nice guy, right? … continue reading.